Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 7 Activity 4 Unit 1 Legend

16 November 2022, 22:20 WIB
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 7 Activity 4 Unit 1 Legend /unsplash.com

KILAS KLATEN - Artikel berikut berisi tentang kunci jawaban soal Bahasa Inggris Activity 4, Unit 1: Legend yang sering ditanyakan oleh para siswa.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Activity 4, Unit 1: Legend merupakan salah satu soal yang harus bisa dijawab oleh siswa dalam pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 8.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Activity 4, Unit 1: Legend ini terdapat dalam buku paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Cetakan Ke-1, 2021 yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Perbukuan Kemdikbudristek.

Dalam buku paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Perbukuan Kemdikbudristek, soal soal Bahasa Inggris Activity 4, Unit 1: Legend terdapat di halaman 7 Activity 4.

Buku teks Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP yang merupakan salah satu buku yang digunakan oleh guru dan siswa Kelas 8 SMP dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia ini ditulis oleh Anik Muslikah Indriastuti.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Halaman 83 Observing and Asking Questions Chapter 6 Our Busy Roads


Berikut ini adalah jawaban soal Bahasa Inggris Activity 4, Unit 1: Legend dan pembahasannya.

The Legend of The Holy Stone Title
“We promise, my Lord,” they said. With a magical power, the fire could finally be stopped. Nevertheless, it seemed that they had not learned from their mistakes. They kept on testing the stone, until one day they started a really big fire that did not stop for seven days and nights. They were really terrified and could not do anything but asked God Iriwonawai for help. Finally, the sounds of the tifa were heard again after a long time. All Randuayaivi people ran to Kamboi mountain, witnessed the burning forest which was again successfully extinguished by God Iriwonawani. On the mountain, Irimiami and Isoray finally told the story of ‘the holy stone.’The following day, all Randuayaivi people came back to the mountain bringing food items. All those food items were put on the holy stone and the traditional feast took place for three days and nights. All the people chanted and danced around the holy stone, worshipping it and passing the holy stone story. People of Papua, particularly those of the Yapen islands, sanctify the fire stone hitherto. The stone has become a sacred stone that they worship annually.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Halaman 80 Observing and Asking Questions Chapter 6 Our Busy Roads

Access and retrieve

1. What is the legend about?
a. Problems encountered by Irimiami and Isoray in Kamboi Rama Mountain.
b. Irimiami’s and Isorays’ struggles to introduce and glorify the holy stone.
c. The discovery of a stone that marks a traditional feast in Papua.
d. The story of a husband and wife in overcoming a big forest fire.
e. The story of a husband and wife in finding a sacred stone

2. What kind of persons are Irimiami and Isoray?
a. Probing
b. Shameless
c. Ambitious
d. Self-centered
e. Hardworking

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Halaman 76 Observing and Asking Questions Chapter 6 Our Busy Roads

3. The tone used during the time God Iriwonawani answered the couple’s
begging to stop the fire is best described as …
a. wise
b. lenient
c. angry
d. imperious
e. sympathetic.


1. E
2. A
3. E

Demikian jawaban soal Bahasa Inggris Activity 4, Unit 1: Legend.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Halaman 37 Collecting Information Chapter 3 We Know What To Do

Artikel kunci jawaban dan pembahasannya ini hanya untuk membantu siswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris 8. Kebenaran kunci jawaban ini tidak mutlak, sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan ada jawaban lainnya.***

Editor: Masruro

Sumber: Buku Kemdikbud


