Terlengkap! Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Halaman 103-104 Associating Chapter 5

- 10 Oktober 2022, 07:00 WIB
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Halaman 103-104 Associating Chapter 5
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Halaman 103-104 Associating Chapter 5 /PIXABAY/Pexels

With my mom’s help, my father could catch him while he was trying to get up. When I woke up because of the noise, I was surprised. My father was tying the thief to the chair, and my mother was calling the police. I’m very proud of my brave parents.

8. One of the happiest moments in my life is having a family gathering in my grandma’s house once a year during the school holidays. Everybody keeps talking and laughing. My aunts and uncles were still talking happily when I woke up at one last night.

At this moment, while they are preparing the lunch, they are talking noisily in the big kitchen. And, I’m sure they will be talking until they go to bed late tonight.

Baca juga: Soal & Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 59-60 Observing & Asking Questions This is how you do it!

Demikian Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Halaman 103 104 Associating yang bisa dijadikan referensi saat menjawab soal Halaman 103 104 Associating.

Artikel soal dan kunci jawaban ini hanya untuk membantu siswa SMP belajar Bahasa Inggris. Kebenaran kunci jawaban ini tidak mutlak, sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan ada jawaban lainnya.***


Editor: Masruro

Sumber: Buku Kemdikbud


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